One Great Hour of Sharing
Received Palm Sunday and Easter Sunday (February/March – during the season of Lent).
Since 1949, Presbyterians have joined with other Christians through One Great Hour of Sharing to share God’s love with people experiencing a need. Our gifts support ministries of disaster response, refugee assistance and resettlement, and community development which helps people find safe refuge, start new lives and work together to strengthen their families and communities. Recognizing that the hope we have in Christ is lived out in our hope for one another, we respond with gifts that help our sisters and brothers both nationally and internationally find the hope for a brighter future. The Presbyterian Hunger Program receives 36%, while the Self-Development of people and Presbyterian Disaster Assistance each receives 32%.
Pentecost Offering
Received on Pentecost Sunday (May – during the season of Pentecost)
This offering provides a direct way to meet the direct needs of children at risk, youth, and young adults. Congregations are encouraged to keep 40% of the offering to support ministries benefiting these age groups in their communities. The General Assembly’s portion—60%—provides leadership development opportunities for Presbyterian youth and young adults and supports children-at-risk programs at the national level. Since 1998, Presbyterians of all ages have raised over 8 million for these ministries that benefit young members of God’s family.
Peacemaking Offering
Received on World Communion Sunday (July – during the season of Peace)
The Peace Making Offering encourages all parts of the Presbyterian Church (USA) to work for peace. Each congregation is invited to find ways to promote peace within the congregation and the community. Fro that reason, congregations are encouraged to retain 25% of the offering and each congregation will decide how best to put the money to work. Another 25% will go to the presbytery or synod, and the remainder 50% will go to the Presbyterian Mission Agency for peacemaking involvement throughout the world.
Christmas Joy Offering
Received on the last Sunday of Advent (December – during the season of Advent)
For more than 70 years, Presbyterians have given generously at Christmas to support the unmet needs of families that have devoted their lives to the PC (USA). Today this offering is shared equally by the Assistance Program by the Board of Pensions, which provides critical assistance to Presbyterian church workers and their families, and to Presbyterian-affiliated racial ethic schools and colleges, which enables students to develop their gifts and find their callings. This offering dates back to the 1930’s, when the former Presbyterian Church in the United States began an offering to supplement inadequate retirement income and provide supplemental medical insurance for former ministers, missionaries, church workers and their families.